Tuesday, June 28, 2011


not that Tuesdays are overly pleasant anyway, but getting up at 6 is definitely unpleasant.  I didn't love it this morning but it happened.

I should have known that being motivated so early in the morning would backfire.
Once I got up, I was kinda proud of myself, so we're still okay.
Somewhere between mile 1 & 2 - a bug hits me in the face - uhh gross..  shake it off.
mile 2.5 - I'm struggling. yell at myself a lil.  I mean, I run fairly often & haven't been out for less than 4 miles in weeeeeks. whyy am I struggling so much. ughh. note to self - maybe eat something before run?
mile 3 -  start to choke mildly. something is stuck in my throat?!!?  WTF?  still running. lots of spitting (sorry if that's not lady-like but it happens)  I can't explain it. this feels like a gelled chia seed. omg. I don't even want to think about it what it actually is. more spitting. the people behind me now think I'm INSANE and foul. still running.
mile 4 - kind of want to die. but still running. how far am I going again? oh right. almost there.

I managed to make it through a very painful & weird 4.5 miles to realize that
1. I probably inhaled some sort of small insect - disgusting.
2. I just ran that at a 9:57 pace which pretty damn good - no wonder it struggled.
3. I hate that its only 7:15 in the morning and now I have to go to work - exxxcellent.

at least its done. before it gets too warm out.  

next up - shower.
probably about a minute & a half in - CRASH.
some minor shreaking, flailing, & serious water spewing.
My shower curtain & rod are on the floor.
How does that happen?!  I wasn't even touching it!!

so yeah.. that was a pretty awkward turn of events, but enough about that.
I turned the morning around by making this delicious smoothie (sans spinach for all you green-haters)

soo soo good. 
soy milk - 1 cup-ish
mixed berries - 1/2 bag
unsweetened apple sauce - 1/2 cup maybe
ice - handful
vanilla protein powder - one scoop

The rest of my day was fairly uneventful, but getting up that early definitely threw my eating off. 

What weird stuff has happened to you during/post run?

Is it Friday yet?  I'm ready for some Cape time.  
cocktails and this guy? yes. please. 

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