Wednesday, May 11, 2011

soo many veggies

once upon a time, not thaatt long ago, there wasn't a single vegetable I would eat. I existed on bread, chicken and sugar, pretty much exclusively.
well apparently, that girl is gone.
tonight's dinner - amazing. almost entirely veggies.

it was delicious.

salad - baby spinach, grape tomatoes, shredded mozzarella, walnuts, balsamic vinegar.

 giant sweet potato sliced up, sprayed with some PAM and sprinkled with garam masala.
(i actually had no idea what garam masala tasted like, but it was in the cabinet) SCORE.

veggies were necessary after having leftovers of last nights doughy deliciousness for lunch today. 
i'm fully slacking on running updates.  well because.. i'm slacking on running.  I ran a fantastic 4 miles on Friday and haven't been out since.  fail.   but first 5K on saturdayyy. excited.
I did, however, break out the yoga dvd today & now I feel fantastic. really need to do it more often.

what ever happened to may flowers? april showers need to go.  and who knew boston was a crazy windy city?!  I need that to stop. annoyinggg.
lets fast forward to the part where its pretty and warmish spring. thankssss

oh! and the muffins I made last night. pretty good sans sugar. lil bit of peanut butter & makes for an excellent at work breakfast. :)

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