Wednesday, April 27, 2011

mystery solved

For the most part, I remember birthdays, anniversaries, phone numbers, etc.  (especially now that facebook tells me when everything is). However, I never send cards. Ever.   Sometimes I'll even manage to buy a gift, yet still no card.  Not really sure why.. just never do.

This is totally random, I know, but I have a point.     There are a number of occasions coming up that should be recognized. So in my neverending mission to be a "real adult", I wander into CVS yesterday to pick up cards for: 
  1. Dad's birthday.  
  2. Mother's day
  3. couple of baby showers
  4. sister & bro-in-law anniversary
I'm feeling pretty great about being prepared until...  I start to tear up. YUP.  Ok.. I can handle this. I'm not that ridiculous, I can read a stupid hallmark card, so  I'm stealthily dabbing at my eyes while trying to pick out these cards.  The CVS guy stocking the wrapping paper at the end of the aisle gives me a weird look.  I pick up another one, blink a few extra times, tell myself there is no way he can tell I'm a lil extra watery, though maybe I've been standing here for 10 minutes.  CVS guy now appears at the other end of the aisle & seems to be deciding if I'm ok.  I flash back to this.

where there were no words. just tears.  great toast except no one heard it.

Somehow I manage to pick up a few decent cards, scowl at CVS guy & decide cards are dumb anyway.

once again - can not control my tearducts. FAIL.  
no one is ever getting cards again.   now we all know why.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

alli buy me a card