Friday, November 5, 2010

why bother

someone i know mentioned today how she knows all these people blog with absolutely no purpose. so why bother, its stupid. 
i have no idea.   i dont blog for you.    i blog because somehow it feels free-ing to put my thoughts out there. (kind of like my diary in high school, which is hysterical,  I'll add) and honestly, i only let certain people see it.  of course, its public, but im too smart to let everyyyone read it.

new job. 1.2.3 go.
job searching is tiring. im too honest to pretend that i still love my job.    lets be serious, i dont hide things well. i'm a terrible liar and my face gives everything away.  ugh. 

last 5 weeks of grad school. lazzyyyy. which makes it painful. i dont want to put the effort in. i'm sooo close.
my classes are so easy but its soooo hard to get motivated.
i would rather clean my apt, work, anything than do schoolwork.

i stay up too late. 

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