Friday, July 1, 2011

Who's ready for July?

so ready!

I've managed to do my runs in the morning this week, which is an accomplishment in its self. (I'm pretty terrible at getting out of bed in the AM)  I've noticed though that by getting my workouts in early, I feel like I'm due for a workout earlier.  Tuesday morning I ran, and by Wednesday after work, I felt like I really needed to get my sweat on. Knowing that I needed to run yesterday morning & that it was too hot to do anything outside, I hit the gym, did a fast mile and a half and then some intervals on the elliptical. It felt surprisingly awesome.

these legs feel accomplished.

I'll spare you any other post-workout pics of me.
with any luck, this is what July will look like. 

lots of cape time. 

 hopefully some beach

 Sox @ Camden Yards

 hanging out with these ladies

and then 2 of these 3 lovelies.

a month with 5 weekends?! yes please.

Goals for July
1. get to 12 miles  - half marathon is the first weekend of Aug. must be readyyy
2. take lots of pictures  - between the 4th, a family gathering, 4 days in baltimore, and a few of my NY girls coming to the Cape, there are LOTS of fantastic photo ops.
3. spend some QT with baby mac - oh charlie, I can NOT wait.
4. do yoga once a week -  I've done yoga a handful of times recently & always feel great after. Whether I go to a class or break my DVD, this needs to happen more - before my legs revolt against me.
5. get to the pool - my building has a pool & I have yet to go. going to need to change that. yup.

what are your goals for July?  anything missing off my list? 

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