Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Goals for 28

As many of you know, I'm a HUGE list person. I make lists for everything & I usually have a handful of lists going at once.
so, I made a number of resolutions for 2011 (which I'm about half way through) but I decided that in addition to (and slightly overlapping), I needed some goals for my 28th year. 
- Inspired by On Tap for Today

1. take a cooking class
2. take a photography class
3. watch 28 movies (1/28)
4. run a 5K  (or a few)
5. run a 10K - registered RnR 10K NY  10/22/11
6. run half marathon - registered RnR Providence 8/7/11
7. run a "fierce" race (warrior dash, rugged maniac, etc)
8. go to one blogger event - registered HLS in Aug
9. try bikram/hot yoga
10. plan and go on an excellent vacation
11. come up with 10 awesome alli-original recipes.

any other fun suggestions? 

1. The Machinist - 6/14/10

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