Wednesday, May 25, 2011

lessons learned

things I learned in the last 48 hours:

1. I do not like mango. sad.
2. use xanthan gum sparingly - or smoothie gets as thick as well... gum. gross.
3. tempeh is pretty delic.
4. so is bbq sauce.
5. i'm a sucker for a 40% off deal.    dear banana republic - stop taking all my money. love, alli

and finally.. short weeks are soo much better than full weeks. 
I definitely already knew this, but its been sooo long since I've had a day off that I forgot.
just knowing that I don't have to work a full week again until the end of june puts me a fantastic mood. :)
so nice!  4 day weekend. i'm soo ready. 

smoothie this morning was a repeat by definitely one of my faves. this recipe but mixed berries instead of strictly strawberries.  so gooood.  i wanted it to last alll morning. 

as guilty as I felt not running on Monday, I'm really glad that it didn't. Yesterday was gorgeous and I was really in the mood to run. 
How can you not look forward to this?

One of my favorite things to do while running is people-watch. I pay attention to everyone running around me, everyone thats out walking, etc. Some people look like runners, some people don't, some runners look like they're really enjoying themselves and some look like they're in pain. Now, if you know me, you know that I can't control the faces I make. So I can NOT imagine what I look like. ha. so I need to be more aware of that, though I'm sure it depends on the day.

I need to squeeze in 2 more runs by Friday since there is really no chance of getting my long run in while at Desantis's wedding in Raleigh on Saturday. (ahhh yay! soo soon) 
and its gorgeous out again today, so definitely looking forward to tonight.

(When did I become someone who craved a run?!  love it)

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